
core tripod Learn more about core tripod

  • Round tripod Mei Chunlan

    Round tripod Mei Chunlan

    Petal type: plum petal. History: pan Guolai dug it from Zhoushan in 2002 and covered the grass with three leaves in the spring of 2005. Chen Jiang was selected and named. Features: flower type: outer petal knotted round head, semi-hard holding, large round tongue, bright green color, with hidden red tendons behind the petal. The flowers are dignified and beautiful, the leaves are thin, narrow and heavy, bow-shaped, and the new buds are heavy with white heads. Grass type.

  • Cymbidium orchid: the price of Cymbidium orchid, the characteristics of Cymbidium orchid

    Cymbidium orchid: the price of Cymbidium orchid, the characteristics of Cymbidium orchid

    Rui Ding orchid belongs to one of the varieties of Chunlan, which is famous for its petals and butterflies. Rui Die Jiapin. Ornamental plants of orchids. The appreciation is very high. When the orchid blossoms, the flowers smell very fragrant. You can choose orchids that like strong fragrance.

    2019-03-19 Core tripod orchid spring orchid price picture characteristic core tripod
  • Huadingrui butterfly spring orchid

    Huadingrui butterfly spring orchid

    Hua Ding Rui butterfly, grass and general Jiangsu and Zhejiang Chunlan similar 'such as core tripod'. But it hasn't had a butterfly yet. Therefore, in the early stage, it is more difficult to raise the original flower, so there is not much quantity, and the stamens of Hua Ding are not widely spread. He first won the Silver Award at the Orchid Exhibition in Wenzhou and Zhejiang Province, and did not return to flower until last year. Only a few orchid friends have flowers in their hands.

  • Skills of shooting orchids

    Skills of shooting orchids

    With the improvement of living standards, photography has already entered thousands of families. Orchid photography equipment requirements are not high, ordinary digital belt macro on the line, but to take good pictures of orchids, especially macro. It is best to use tripods and shutter lines, and SLR cameras also use reflectors to pre-rise to reduce machine shock. When taking pictures, choose the time when the light is good.

  • Jinshahe Dinglian petal

    Jinshahe Dinglian petal

    Once in a thousand years, when the orchid friends of the new lotus petal product "Jinsha lotus tripod" talked about the petal-shaped flowers of the lotus petal orchid, they thought that the lotus petal orchid would not open a positive lotus petal because of its own plant characteristics, which the author thought was one-sided. This year's Jinsha Heding, another local product after Jinsha tree chrysanthemum, proves this point. Following the Jinsha tree chrysanthemum.

  • A complete Collection of Orchid frauds

    A complete Collection of Orchid frauds

    Flat shoulder, tight, soft leaf shape, sparse scape, large flowers out of the shelf, tender color. The leaf shape is elegant, big out of the shelf, the flat shoulder double hold tightly does not open the skylight flower 6.5 centimeters, the flower guard all appreciates the heart to clear the heart to meditate.

  • A Complete Collection of Chinese Spring Orchid Varieties

    A Complete Collection of Chinese Spring Orchid Varieties

    Spring orchid crystal lily, once in Jiangsu (Suzhou) spring orchid exhibition won awards.

  • The most complete orchid appreciation, to see which orchid is the most beautiful

    The most complete orchid appreciation, to see which orchid is the most beautiful

    Orchids have no eye-catching gaudy state, no huge flowers and leaves, only quiet, simple and elegant temperament. Its beauty lies in its form and charm. Now many people are interested in orchids.

  • High demand for sweet potato starch and high efficiency in timely processing

    High demand for sweet potato starch and high efficiency in timely processing

    Sweet potato starch plays a more and more important role in people's daily diet. At present, potato chemical products have become the main raw materials of lactic acid, citric acid, disposable tableware and degraded agricultural plastic film and other chemical products. It is understood that the current price of refined sweet potato starch is nearly 10% higher than that of last year, and the reason for this price trend is undoubtedly the gap between supply and demand of sweet potato starch. Relevant data show that at present, the demand for sweet potato starch in the domestic market alone is more than 1 million tons, while the production is far less than this number.

  • Management techniques and methods of kiwifruit

    Management techniques and methods of kiwifruit

    It is better to choose mountainous areas with convenient transportation, sufficient light, relying on water sources, moderate rainfall, slightly higher humidity, loose and well-ventilated sandy loam or sandy soil, or hilly and mountainous areas rich in humus. After the site is determined, first plan the road,

    2020-11-08 Kiwifruit management technology and methods selection mountain areas
  • Lotus petal with crown of lotus

    Lotus petal with crown of lotus

    In the early spring of 1990, Mr. Zhao Weilin, a famous Baoshan expert known as the "King of gambling in western Yunnan", found a clump of downhill grass with complete dragon roots and excellent leaf shape in Lujiang Dam. At that time, Mr. Zhao Weilin had five seedlings of the best gambling lotus petals, which were named A, K, Q, J and 10 respectively and bloomed in 1992 after two years of meticulous breeding.

  • When does the green plum tree blossom and bear fruit? How do you plant it?

    When does the green plum tree blossom and bear fruit? How do you plant it?

    Green plum trees are produced in Hainan. Born in hills and sloping forests, below 700 meters above sea level. Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia and so on have distribution. It is an endangered species under national third-level protection. So, when will the green plum tree blossom and bear fruit? How do you plant it? It is understood that green plum trees bloom from May to June and fruit from August to September.

  • How to raise the upside-down Golden Bell Culture methods and matters needing attention

    How to raise the upside-down Golden Bell Culture methods and matters needing attention

    How to raise the upside-down Golden Bell Culture methods and matters needing attention

  • Water of Life Why is the vine pruned? What time is it trimmed in summer? How to prune?

    Water of Life Why is the vine pruned? What time is it trimmed in summer? How to prune?

    Grape is a common fruit in autumn in China. It is loved by people because of its sweet meat and rich in various nutrients needed by human body. It can not only be used to make wine, but also raisins, etc., so it has high economic value. order to

    2020-11-09 "Water of life " vine why prune summer
  • A complete Collection of Orchid Variety names

    A complete Collection of Orchid Variety names

    The Chinese characters of green flowers, the number of the market is very small, the smell of flowers is strong, and the green stem and green flowers found in Tangkou. Leaf posture in the thin thick semi-vertical leaves (large plants are semi-drooping leaves) the posture is dark green and elegant. The flower volume three petals are horn daffodil petals, the color is clean and light green, the flower flesh is thick and soft, and the flower is more than two inches in diameter.

  • "Top Ten famous Flowers in China" how can orchids blossom? What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention? How to water it?

    Orchids, also known as Chinese orchids, spring orchids and orchids, are perennial herbaceous flowers of the genus Orchidaceae. Originated in China, which is widely distributed in Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan and Tibet, it is not only a traditional precious flower in China, but also a famous flower in the world. Many florists like orchids, so how to cultivate orchids?

    2020-11-09 "China Top Ten famous Flower " Orchid how raise ability
  • "Top Ten famous Flowers in China" how can orchids blossom? What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention? How to water it

    Orchids, also known as Chinese orchids, spring orchids and orchids, are perennial herbaceous flowers of the genus Orchidaceae. Originated in China, which is widely distributed in Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan and Tibet, it is not only a traditional precious flower in China, but also a famous flower in the world. Many flower friends like orchids, so how can orchids blossom? What are the points for attention in orchid culture

  • Appreciation terminology

    Appreciation terminology

    Appreciation terminology

  • Appreciation criteria of Chinese orchids

    Appreciation criteria of Chinese orchids

    Phoenix crown belongs to hybrid orchid, line art dwarf species, the price of each seedling is about 510 yuan. It hardly blossoms.

  • Planting skills of tortoise shell peony

    Planting skills of tortoise shell peony

    During the sowing period, the editor sorted out the relevant data and found that the most suitable temperature for the growth of tortoise shell peony was between 20 and 25 degrees, so when choosing to sow seeds, the local temperature should be stabilized at about 25 degrees. In the south of China, it is suitable to sow seeds from March to June. And the words of the north
